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Gifted Identification and Services

How does Williamsburg Local School District Identify Students Who are Gifted?

The State of Ohio requires public schools to identify students as gifted.  Williamsburg Local Schools is committed to this requirement. Although the State of Ohio does not require services for students who are gifted, Williamsburg strives to provide challenging curriculum, course opportunities and differentiated instruction for these students.   According to the Ohio Revised Code, the school district shall identify gifted students in grades kindergarten through twelve as follows:

A student shall be identified as exhibiting "superior cognitive ability" if the student did either of the following within the preceding twenty-four months:

(1) Scored two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved individual standardized intelligence test administered by a licensed school psychologist or licensed psychologist;

(2) Accomplished any one of the following: (a) Scored at least two standard deviations above the mean, minus the standard error of measurement, on an approved standardized group intelligence test; (b) Performed at or above the ninety-fifth percentile on an approved individual or group standardized basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test; (c) Attained an approved score on one or more above-grade level standardized, nationally normed approved tests.

In Spring of 2nd and 6th grades, students are given the Terra Nova and Inview Assessments.  Students who score at or above the 95th percentile are identified as gifted in that specific area.  

Gifted Services

Williamsburg Local School District is committed to the success for ALL students.  Gifted Services are provided through a variety opportunities including challenging academic courses along with core academic teachers that are dedicated to ensuring that each student grows to their fullest potential academically, socially and emotionally.

Teachers receive gifted professional development each year with strategies on serving gifted students.  Teachers provide high level differentiated instruction for students right in the classroom. It is more meaningful for students when they receive instruction daily from their own classroom teachers connected to state curriculum along with a personalized learning approach.  We, along with Instructional Coaches provide consistent In-Service opportunities throughout the year.

We do this by providing consistent instructional design and delivery that takes individualized learning needs into account. This takes a collaborative effort. This collaborative effort is required between parents, support staff, and teachers in order to enhance the independence and success of the whole child and preparing them to be college and/or career ready.  We provide challenging after school opportunities such as the Language Club where students are given access to Rosetta Stone along with a club advisor that facilitate that activities

Written Education Plan (WEP)  

A Written Education Plan is written for each identified gifted student who is served by a classroom teacher or a gifted intervention specialist.  The WEP establishes learning goals and evaluation methods for each student, the services to be provided to the student, identifies who will provide these services, and sets a date by which the WEP will be reviewed for possible revision.  The plan is reviewed annually and distributed to parents as well as teachers who are responsible for providing gifted services.
 For any questions contact the Student Services Director.
Mrs. Tina Reichert, Director of Student Services
549A West Main Street Williamsburg, Ohio 45176
call: 513-612-9224
email: [email protected]
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