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Special Education

Special Education

Special Education

We Believe: “All students can meet/exceed standard or demonstrate continual maximum growth towards it.”

Williamsburg Local School District is committed to the success for ALL students. The Special Education Department along with the core academic teachers are dedicated to ensuring that each student grows academically. We do this by providing instructional design and delivery that takes the individualized learning needs into account. This takes a collaborative effort. This collaborative effort is required between parents, support staff, and teachers in order to enhance the independence and success of the whole child and preparing them to be college and/or career ready.

Williamsburg Schools will ensure compliance of the newly revised Special Education Procedural Safeguards set forth in the following notice:

A Guide to Parent Rights

Williamsburg Schools offers a variety of services to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. As a district we promote inclusion by providing these services in the least restrictive environment (LRE) determined for each student. Determining the need for special education services is determined with assessments, teacher input, and the use of Response to Intervention (RTI) to discover the strengths and needs of struggling learners. This process requires the team to analyze and identify issues of concern, set individual goals, brainstorm options for intervention, and gather data to determine the success of the interventions in place.

If interventions required to promote student progress are ongoing, intensive and specialized the team may suspect that the student has a disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the attached safeguards notice and conduct a Multi-factored Evaluation to determine whether there are educational needs which require special education supports and services. The results of this evaluation are presented in an Evaluation Team Report (ETR) and the eligibility determination is made by the team which includes the parents.

If the student is found to be eligible for special education services then an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed which sets goals/ objectives for educational needs revealed by the ETR. Services to support progress toward these goals are determined and are guaranteed by the IEP. A support educator will be assigned to oversee the implementation of the IEP. Your student’s support educator will be a great resource to you in understanding your student’s needs and progress. They coordinate services and accommodations across your student’s school day.

For any questions contact the Student Services Director.
Mrs. Tina Reichert, Director of Student Services
549A West Main Street Williamsburg, Ohio 45176
call: 513-612-9224
email: [email protected]
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